One of the things that I've been dying to get is the Iphone. The closest thing I ever had to the Iphone was the Itouch. But it just wasn't the same. So with the new Iphone 4 coming out, I think its time that I finally get one! Sure, there may be some minor issues like the reception and coverage (since I'm currently on THREE) but I think it will be one of those things that I won't regret getting. It's just depending on what kind of phone plan I want to go on. Thing is, my contract doesn't finish until April next year, which makes things just a little more complicated. I really like the sound of the $59 Optus Cap plan thats available for the iphone 4, 16gbs, especially the fact that theres no handset installments! That's always a bonus.
So what Options do I have? Three has a plan for the $49 Cap, which has an installment of $5 per month for the 16gb Iphone. However I believe the 8gb has no handset installments on the $49 Cap. So I think I will get the 8gb. I hope itll be big enough! With the Cap, there is also a bonus 1gb data included, which is perfect, means I can go on FB literally 24/7...especially when I'm out and about! Always felt kinda left out at the table, when everyones whipping out their Iphones and updating their status's while we wait for the food..or just to hijack each others iphones to write funny status comments.
I think I will wait for the white Iphone 4 comes out in stock. I've waited this long, whats a few weeks gonna do? Of course three is probably not the best deal, but it'll have to do for now since I'm already under a Three contract. Cancellation fee would cost me $400! so no way I'm doing that. At least it will be unlimited calls from three to three. Not much of a caller though. I've always preferred SMSs. I wonder if jumping from a $29 Cap to a $49 Cap is too much...I've always hesitated when it came to spending money on myself.
Well I guess thats enough blabbering from me for one night.
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