Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas at Cuckoo Restaurant

Had a wonderful time with the group at Cuckoo Restaurant in Mount Dandenong yesterday. I took a total of 212 Photos. So many of the photos turned out well, and I loved them all! I shall upload some of my favourite ones below. The rest will be on facebook (of course) LOL. If you haven't already noticed, our group likes to dress up, or at least make the effort to have a theme for every outing we do. Not sure how it came about, but I think there are numerous reasons as to why that is. Firstly its because we can take AWESOME photos. Secondly its the excitement of dressing up. Sure it takes effort, but it definitely pays off when the photos turn out well and we have an awesome time. Another benefit that comes out of it all is, the attention we get from friends and strangers. I reckon we definitely set the trend! It's been that way for some time now. You live life once right? I can't imagine going all out when I'm why not now, while we're young? haha.

Anyways, Cuckoo Restaurant was a buffet, which had 2 storeys. we sat downstairs, but went to the buffet upstairs as there was a larger range of food to choose from. The food was average but the atmosphere made up for it. I particularly enjoyed the honey prawns, and the beetroot. Yes I know that is a weird thing to enjoy. haha. I don't know why but I love beetroot, whether its in salad, a sandwhich or soup - Love it! I didn't eat as much as I should've, so for me, paying $65 (including deposit) was not worth it at all. But its a once time experience and I enjoyed it, because of the friends I spent it with. We got many stares from other tables as we laughed and giggled throughout the night in our red themed outfits, reindeer ears, flashing nose and santa hats. We got Compliments from a few people that worked there. One guy, I think he was a supervisor, kept complimenting us on how beautiful we were, everytime he walked pass. Then the Pancake guy kept asking where we were from. Don't blame him for asking as there weren't many asians there, but he was a little strange. haha.

After eating there for a few hours we went to Airstream at Glenny to meet up with the rest of the group who couldn't make it to dinner and we exchanged our Christmas KKs. It was funny how we tried to disguise who had each other for KK, yet everytime a present was picked out of the bag - we could tell instantly who it was from. HAHA, that was a total fail. LOL. But it just goes to show how much we know each other! My KK present was awesome, I received a Hello Kitty Perfume bottle and a little book called "Insults and Comebacks". It has some really funny lines, although I'm not sure if I'm mean enough to use them. haha. Just some that made me laugh:

1. Looks: "Uh I understand - you fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down"
2. Age: "You're so old you think a BlackBerry is a fruit"
3. Brains: "You're so dumb, your dog teaches YOU tricks"
4. Character: "you're such a smart-ass I bet you could sit on a carton of ice cream and tell what flavour it is"
5.CounterAttack: "I may be fat, but you're ugly. I can always Diet"

So that ended our early Christmas celebration for the year 2010. Today was a lazy day, catching up on sleep and uploading the 212 photos to facebook. Due to the horrible weather, nothing exciting really happened. Tomorrow shall be a more interesting day =]

So enough talk from me. Enjoy the Photos. 

At Cuckoo Restaurant
Group Photo

Me and My Girls
Me and my tiny Umbrella

Awesome Reindeer LOL
My Two Reindeers

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